
Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Welcome back to another NEW CHALLENGE at STAMP-N-DOODLE!!  Sorry a bit late this week - I have been fighting with my computer, laptop, internet and network since late last week.  I have 1 more issue to resolve and then hope I am done with it for a while!!

Anyhow, we had great entries last week and we really want to thank everyone who played along for yet again stunning us with your fabulous work.  Our winner of "The Beach" challenge as chosen by is:

#8 PATTY , with her adorable mouse on an innertube card.

Please e-mail Audrey at for your prize and winner's badge:) Yes, we now have a WINNER'S BADGE, so if you have won in the past and would like one, please e-mail me. Thanks.  If I didn't respond to your e-mail from last week, I will get to it tomorrow - I do apologize - makes me wonder how anyone ever communicated before e-mail, internet, etc?!?LOL

Now onto our NEW CHALLENGE - It's a recipe and your INGREDIENTS ARE: - ribbon, a punch/die cut and pearls!!  Can't wait to see what you create.  You will have until 11:59pm EST on Sunday, August 14 to play along. Please NEW creations only and although STAMP-N-DOODLE images are not required to play along, we'd sure LOVE to see them if you have them. You can find the FULL COLLECTION by clicking the STAMP-N-DOODLE STORE link above.

Our DT have once again created some FABULOUS inspiration for you - they used the STAMP-N-DOODLE image "yawning otter."  If you get a chance, please drop by their individual blogs and leave them some love.

Link your new creations here:

1 comment:

  1. Ladies, all of your samples are just so sweet! Thanks for an awesome recipe....hugs ~S~


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