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Thursday, September 30, 2010


Hello everyone in STAMP-N-DOODLE land, hope you are all having a wonderful week:)  Things where I am in Ohio are cooling off a bit and the days are getting shorter, but all is well for now.  We have lots going on at STAMP-N-DOODLE in the coming weeks and we hope you are all ready to join the fun!  Remember our big SPOOK NIGHT celebration is happening WEDS., OCT. 6 from 6-9pm EST, so hope you will come join the fun!!

 We have a winner from last week's recipe challenge and she is:


Woo Hoo, CONGRATS Snehal.  Thanks to all our wonderful participants for your AMAZING creations.  Snehal, please e-mail me, Audrey, at to find out about your prize of a $10 voucher to the STAMP-N-DOODLE STORE OR BOUTIQUE.

Next up, we have our FEATURED STAMPER for the week, Paulette Kasmer.  Paulette did an AMAZING job working with the image we gave her.  Thanks Paulette!!

Here's is her card and you can visit her blog by clicking on her name above the picture:
Starting in October, which is tomorrow - holy cow - we are changing our format around a bit.  The DT will be introducing NEW RELEASES every Thursday as well as the NEW CHALLENGE.  The NEW RELEASES will not be available prior to the challenge but will be able to be purchased starting on Thursdays.  Lynne has created some AMAZING new stuff and we are really excited to introduce it to you.  FREEBIES will now be available on a monthly basis at our various forum groups - PCP, SNR, AIFACTORY and CDAC, so you'll definitely want to head to one of those groups and pick up your FREEBIE.  The same FREEBIE will be featured in all 4 groups and will be available for the whole month.

So, having said that, we will introduce our last challenge associated FREEBIE -"puppy kisses"
Our challenge this week is ANYTHING GOES!!  So, come play along with us - use any stamps you like, but if you use an image from STAMP-N-DOODLE, you will be entered in our drawing twice per card instead of once.  You may combine challenges as well.  You have until 12noon on Thurs., Oct. 7 to get your project linked to this blog using our Linky Tool.  HAVE FUN!

Here's some INCREDIBLE work from the DT to get you inspired:

(Linkup closed)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Wow, so much to cover, so little time!!  First, let me apologize for the lateness of this post.  My husband was out of town til tonight and with 4 kids running around and having sports, etc., I just didn't get stuff done when I had planned.  I want to thank all our AMAZING entries this week for the purple, brown plus 1 color challenge!  All the entries were so FABULOUS, it's so hard to pick just one, which is why I love, which has chosen


Paulette, please contact Audrey at to redeem your $10 voucher at STAMP-N-DOODLE SHOP and also to learn about being our featured stamper.  Also, CONGRATS!!

In addition, how exciting that we have reached over 100 followers here on the blog - YAY!!  Thanks so much Lynne for the GREAT FREEBIES!!  I can't wait to create with those.  Please keep telling your friends about Stamp-N-Doodle and encourage them to come join us here.  I bet Lynne will give us another FREEBIE when we reach 150!

Speaking of FREEBIES, we have a FREEBIE to share today and it's also the image the DT got to use for our challenge this week.  Look out too because the DT work is INCREDIBLE!!  Also, please help us welcome our NEWEST DT member, CHELSEA BARNES!!  Welcome Chelsea, so excited to have you with us:)

The FREEBIE is called "riser" as in early riser:)
This week's challenge is a RECIPE CHALLENGE and the challenge is to use:
1. A sentiment
2. A flower
3. A brad along with your image and whatever papers you choose. 
 Remember, the recipe requires all three ingredients listed.  While it is not necessary to use a STAMP-N-DOODLE image, we'd sure LOVE it if you did!  You will get 2 entries for each card you make instead of 1 for purposes of our drawing if you use a STAMP-N-DOODLE image.
 Look at what the DT has created to inspire you:
Please have your projects linked by noon EST on Thurs., Sept. 30.  Thanks so much for playing along!!

(Linkup closed)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Stamp-n-Doodle NEWS FLASH!

WOWEEEEEEEEEE! we have over 100 followers now.  Time for a FREEBIE or two.
Thank you to all our faithful followers.
Mark your calendars for SPOOK NIGHT at STAMP-N-DOODLE.
We will be having a 3 hour long party with tons of freebies, recipes, challenges and prizes.
Drop by each hour to join in. You never know what SPOOKY surprises we might have in store for you.

*NB - The event will be from 6 to 9 p.m. EST. Wednesday, October 6th, 2010
If the Boot Fits!
Fall Harvest

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Some exciting news this week, we have a featured stamper - our winner from our Sports Challenge, LINDA B.  Please make sure to visit LINDA'S BLOG and leave her some LOVE for her AWESOME work!!  Here's her card for today's FEATURED STAMPER Spot:
So, were on to another challenge this week, and sadly, we had no participants for our sketch challenge:(  This week's challenge is a color challenge and our colors are PURPLE, BROWN + 1 OTHER (and can also use other neutrals).  Our FREEBIE this week is one of my favorites:
                                                         "Friends Forever"
As always, the DT has created some AMAZING inspiration for you:

                                                                     Coming soon....

So, while it is unessessary to use a STAMP-N-DOODLE image, we'd sure LOVE to see one and it will give you double entries for oue drawing.  You have until noon Thurs., Sept. 23 to enter your project using our Linky Tool.  We can't wait to see what you create!!  Also, check out the STAMP-N-DOODLE SHOP & BOUTIQUE for all the AMAZING NEW IMAGES!!  Links can be found at the top of this page.

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stamp-n-doodle News Flash!

Hi Everyone!
Fairy Queen
Well I am back from vacation and ready to have some fun here at Stamp-n-Doodle!  Autumn is nipping the air with Halloween & Thanksgiving looming on the horizon.

I have created a new category of images "Fairies" in the Digi Boutique hope you will drop by and give a look see would love to hear your comments.

I do love Halloween and have created added a few NEW images to our Halloween Section as well.

Keep checking in for some upcoming Halloween Fun!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Yay, today is the start of the Pro Football season in USA.  I love football and can't wait to watch:)  Speaking of football, I would like to announce the winner of last week's SPORTS CHALLENGE.  First, I want to thank ALL OF THE PARTICIPANTS for your AMAZING work!!

According to, our winner is:


Linda, please e-mail Audrey (me) at to claim your prize.  CONGRATS.

This week, we have a SKETCH CHALLENGE using the following sketch:
You may flip it, resize, etc., just make sure to include all the basic elements of the sketch.  Remember, you can use any images you like for our challenges, but if you use a STAMP-N-DOODLE image, you will get 2 entries per card in our drawing to choose the winner of a $10 gift certificate to STAMP-N-DOODLE SHOP.

Our freebie this week is one of my favorites:

It's aptly titled "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em"

And here's our AWESOME DTs work to inspire you.  Can't wait to see what you create!!


GREAT WORK ladies!!  Remember, you have until noon next Thurs., Sept. 16 to enter this challenge using our Linky Tool.  Good luck and most importantly, HAVE FUN.


(Linkup closed)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Tonight is a busy one here on BLOG-A-DOODLE!  First, I want to introduce our FEATURED STAMPER for the week.  She is SCRAPPY (YVONNE) and you can find her blog HERE.  Take a look around her AWESOME blog, you will LOVE what you see!!  We are fortunate enough that she create a project using a STAMP-N-DOODLE image this week and here it is:                                      closed

Now, onto this week's winner - the winner of our recipe challenge as chosen by RANDOM.ORG is:
#7 DOROTHY S./etsdas

CONGRATS DOROTHY!  Please e-mail Audrey at to claim your prize.  So, now onto our new challenge and our challenge this week is a theme challenge and the theme is

so, make any card that represents SPORTS to you.  Can't wait to see what you come up with!!

Although a STAMP-N-DOODLE Image is not required to enter our challenges, we'd sure LOVE to see one!  We have given out FREEBIES every Thursday over the past few months as well as some additional FREEBIES in the various forums we run and we'd sure like to see evidence that they are being enjoyed by seeing them used on your projects:)

Here's some inspiration from the FABULOUS members of the STAMP-N-DOODLE DT:

Once you have completed your NEW project, please link up using our Linky Tool.  Remember, you get 2 entries for purposes pf pur drawing for each entry you post using a STAMP-N-DOODLE image.  You have til noon on Thurs., Sept., 9 to get your project done and entered.  Can't wait to see what you create!  Good luck:)

(Linkup closed)